The first episode of my pet audio dramedy project is complete. Listen at will and enjoy…or whatever:
Produced, directed and written by Travis Gagnon
Henry: Travis Gagnon
Grant: Edmond Gagnon
Jennifer: Claire Dear
Stephanie: Tracy Dear
Bridesmaids: Jasmine Landa and Maia Jahangir
Steven: David John Pimentel
Groomsman 1: Darien Alvarado
Announcer, Groomsman 2, Billy, wedding officiant: Christophe Landa
Special thanks to Corbin Gagnon for designing graphics for the show.
And the most special of credit to the mistress of craft services who weathered a Landa invasion and kept everyone fed and alive: Christina Gagnon
Created by Travis Gagnon and Christophe Landa
Copyright 2018 Travis Gagnon and Christophe Landa