
Light Experiment: Christina!

I don’t want to stay the same. I want to be the best at what I do and keep on getter better. I am always experimenting with new lighting techniques on engagement shoots, at weddings, at my studio, and in my living room with my wife while the kids are sleeping. My wife, Christina, was […]

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Two Rings Bind Them: Brittnee and Robert at Vintage Villas!

Brittnee and Robert had a really wild time planning their wedding. Robert is stationed in Iraq and only had an 18 day leave to return for his wedding. He arrived two days later than they expected only 5-days before the wedding. I suppose they were just so happy to see each other that they glossed […]

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Bride On The Run: Brittnee!

I met Brittnee at Janna and Ryan’s wedding that I shot in May at Villa Antonia within site of Lake Travis. Her fiance had just left the day before on a tour Iraq. Her bridal was on a pretty cool day which Brittnee refused to call ‘freezing’ though I think her mom and sister-in-law all […]

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Engage: Andrea and Trey in Houston!

I’m always trying to push the envelope with my engagement shoots to see how far I can go before I’ve gone just too far. Andrea and Trey hired us to shoot their wedding in Houston in February and also asked us to shoot their engagements in their beloved town. We started out at the Derek […]

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