50s retro highball bridal portrait photographer

Bride on the Run: Tracy’s retro 50s bridal at the Highball bowling alley in austin!

It doesn’t come along every day that you have the opportunity to shoot a cool and kitschy, retro bridal portrait at the Highball bowling alley and Lounge, but today it happened. Tracy, our bride, was a very interesting woman who seemed determined to rule the world. She makes up for being only 5’1″ and as petite […]

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Wedding pictures at Texas Old Town: Melissa and Robbie!

Melissa and Robbie tied the knot at Texas Old Town on a hot but lovely day in August. It was love at first sight for Robbie. But according to his mother, he needed a little prompting to ask out Melissa, the gorgeous redhead from Australia. But this Texan and Aussie hit it right off. Can […]

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lindsay blackwell coordinator bridal portraits at natures point

Bride on the Run: Lindsay’s bridal shoot at Nature’s Point!

We were asked by Nature’s Point to photograph some new images for their promotional materials and they volunteered Lindsay, their awesome coordinator to model for us. It was a beautiful day and we found some great spots to shoot.

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