austin high school senior photos

Seniors! Anna’s senior portraits at Chuy’s in Austin!

I love referrals and about half our business is referrals and increasing more and more every year. I suppose one could consider it a mark of success to move to a new town not knowing anyone and five years later find yourself not needing to advertise at all because you’ve made so many people happy […]

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beautiful senior potraits in austin at state capital

Senior! Olivia’s senior portraits at the Texas Capital!

Olivia was a stylish and spunky senior who was almost too busy to get her seniors portraits taken! We are so happy she found time in her busy schedule to hang out with us in the Warehouse District in downtown Austin to capture these fabulous images!

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texas ranch high school senior portraits in killeen texas

Senior! Mason’s senior portraits in Killeen!

Mason’s mom was referred to us by the mother of a bride whose wedding we did in Salado in September. We did his session at his family’s cattle ranch in Kileen. Mason definitely fits in on the ranch!

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austin model photographer

Model Porfolio: Katie’s model portfolio shoot on Ladybird lake!

Katie wasn’t a model. Yet. She certainly had the look and seemed extremely comfortable in front of the camera. Her experience in front of the camera was limited to onyly JCPenney’s some time in the past as a youth, though it looks to me as though she might be a natural at modeling. For her […]

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