can can girl photographer austin texas state capitol

Model shoot: Tracy’s model portfolio photography at the Texas State Capitol!

Tracy’s model portfolio photo shoot took us the the Texas State Capitol. ย For some of the pictures she brought out a cloak that she had been saving for a special day having never worn it before. As usual, Tracy brought her own brand of intensity to her model photos today. Hair and Makeup: Thelma at […]

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Bride on the Run: Tracy’s retro 50s bridal portraits at the South Austin Trailer Park and Eatery!

Tracy’s bridal never really ended. ย I’m sure that there is something else coming our way soon enough for the lovely lady. ย After the Highball our stylist Thelma changed up Tracy’s look a little bit and we went down to the South Austin Trailer Park and Eatery, a small food trailer lot with a pretty unique […]

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austin high school senior photos

Seniors! Anna’s senior portraits at Chuy’s in Austin!

I love referrals and about half our business is referrals and increasing more and more every year. I suppose one could consider it a mark of success to move to a new town not knowing anyone and five years later find yourself not needing to advertise at all because you’ve made so many people happy […]

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beautiful senior potraits in austin at state capital

Senior! Olivia’s senior portraits at the Texas Capital!

Olivia was a stylish and spunky senior who was almost too busy to get her seniors portraits taken! We are so happy she found time in her busy schedule to hang out with us in the Warehouse District in downtown Austin to capture these fabulous images!

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