
Two Rings Bind Them: Lindsay and Berry at Buffalo Billiards!

Where do I start? Lindsay and Berry were crazy I suppose is the best way to say it. But in a fun way. I know that I am putting myself into a weird class of super nerds by saying that I watch Doctor Who but I do. What’s weirder is that other people do as […]

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Senior: Cecily in Downtown Austin!

Cecily used to be in track. Sometime I think about people in track and wonder what motivates them to keep going. The burning pain in my lungs and my screaming thighs generally deter me from engaging in any running for a greater distance than a hundred yards. After that I collapse onto the ground like […]

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Senior: Taylor at SOCO!

We shot Taylor at the Texas Capital and down in SOCO. We ended shooting even after the dark to come up with some really fun shots. I think I am more creative when I can’t see.

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Visit to see Gram…….

This was an odd sort of trip where we drove a lot and talked a lot and seemingly did a lot even though it felt like we weren’t too busy. We drove out to visit my grandmother in California. She has terminal cancer. My kids didn’t know why we were really going. They thought it […]

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